
Publicaciones 2020

Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Hontoria C, Ibáñez MA, Quemada M.* 2020. The cover crop termination choice to designing sustainable cropping Systems. European Journal of Agronomy, 114, 126000. Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, JL Pancorbo, Quemada M. 2020. Interseeding cover crops into maize: characterization of species performance under Mediterranean conditions. Field Crops Research, 249: 107762. Arbonés A, Sastre B., Pérez M.A., Pascual M., de Lorenzo C., Villar J.M., Benito A., Rufat J. 2020. Fertilización y fenoles. Mercacei 102 ISSN 1134-7104 Corrochano-Monsalve M,…

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Publicaciones 2019

Arbonés A, Sastre B, Pérez MA, de Lorenzo C, Pascual M, Benito A, Villar JM, Rufat J. 2019. Influence of irrigation and fertilization on sterol and triterpene dialcohol composition of virgin olive oil. Grasas Aceites 71 (4), e376. Coleto I, Vega-Mas I, Glauser G, González-Moro MB, Marino D* & Ariz I.  New insights on Arabidopsis thaliana root adaption to ammonium nutrition by the use of a quantitative proteomic approach International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019;  20: 814 De la Peña M, González-Moro MB & Marino D.  Providing…

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Publicaciones 2018

García-González I, Hontoria C, Gabriel JL, Alonso-Ayuso M, Quemada M*. 2018. Cover crops to mitigate soil degradation and enhance soil functionality in irrigated land. 2018. Geoderma. 322: 81-88. DOI 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.02.024                                                            García-González I, Hontoria C, Gabriel JL, Alonso-Ayuso M, Quemada M*. 2018. Data supporting the cover crops benefits related to soil functionality in a 10-year cropping system. Data in Brief. 18: 1327-1333. DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2018.04.029 Alonso-Ayuso M., Quemada M., Vanclooster M., Ruiz-Ramos M., Rodriguez A., Gabriel JL. 2018. Assessing cover crop management…

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Publicaciones 2017

Muñoz-Romero, V., Lopez-Bellido, R.J., Fernandez-Garcia, P., Redondo, R., Murillo, S., Lopez-Bellido, L. 2017. Effects of tillage, crop rotation and N application rate on labile and recalcitrant soil carbon in a Mediterranean Vertisol. Soil & Tillage Research 169, 118–123 Pelzer E., Bourlet C., Carlsson G., Lopez-Bellido R. J., Jensen E. S., and Jeuffroy M.H. 2017. Design, assessment and feasibility of legume-based cropping systems in three European regions. Crop & Pasture Science, 68, 902–914. Barrena I, Menéndez S, Correa D, Vega-Mas I, Bedmar…

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Publicaciones 2016

Gabriel JL, Alonso-Ayuso M., García-González I., Hontoria C., Quemada M*. 2016. Nitrogen use efficiency and fertiliser fate in a long-term experiment with winter cover crops. European Journal of Agronomy, 79: 14-22.               DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2016.04.015. Quemada M.* and Gabriel JL. 2016. Approaches for increasing nitrogen and water use efficiency simultaneously. Global Food Security, 9:29-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.gfs.2016.05.004. Villar P., Villar J.M. 2016. Guia de la fertilitat dels sòls i la nutrició vegetal en producció integrada. Edita: Consell Català de la Producció Integrada. Departament…

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Publicaciones 2015

Vega-Mas, I ; Marino, D ; Sánchez-Zabala, J ; González-Murua, C; Estavillo, JM & González-Moro, MB (2015). “CO2 enrichment modulates ammonium nutrition in tomato adjusting carbon and nitrogen metabolism to stomatal conductance”. Plant Science 241:32-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2015.09.021 Ramírez-García J, HJ Martens, Quemada M, K Thorup-Kristensen. 2015. Intercropping effect on root growth and nitrogen uptake at different nitrogen levels. Journal of Plant Ecology. 8(4): 380-389. DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtu024. Huérfano, X;  Fuertes-Mendizabal, T; Dunabeitia, MK; González-Murua, Estavillo, JM & Menéndez, S (2015). “Splitting…

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Publicaciones 2014

López-Bellido, L., Muñoz-Romero, V., Fernández-García, P., López-Bellido, R.J. 2014. Ammonium accumulation in soil: the long-term effects of tillage, rotation and N rate in a Mediterranean Vertisol. Soil Use and Management, 30,471-479. DOI: 10.1111/sum.12147 Barraclough, P.B., López-Bellido, R.J., Hawkesford, M.J. 2014. Genotypic variation in the uptake, partitioning and remobilisation of nitrogen during grain-filling in wheat. Field Crops Research, 156, 242-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2013.10.004 Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Quemada M*. 2014. The kill date as a management tool for cover cropping success. PLOS ONE.…

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Publicaciones 2013

Quemada M.*, M. Baranski, M.N.J. de Lange, A. Vallejo, J.M. Cooper. 2013. Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 174:1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2013.04.018. Barrena, I; Menéndez, S; Dunabeitia, M; Merino, P; Stange, CF; Spott, O; González-Murua, C & Estavillo, JM (2013). “Greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, N2O and CH4) from forest soils in the Basque Country: Comparison of different tree species and growth stages”. Forest Ecology and Management…

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Publicaciones 2012

Gabriel JL, Muñoz-Carpena R, Quemada M.* 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 155:50-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2012.03.021. Menéndez, S; Barrena, I; Setién, I; González-Murua, C & Estavillo, JM (2012). “Efficiency of nitrification inhibitor DMPP to reduce nitrous oxide emissions under different temperature and moisture conditions”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 53: 82-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.04.026 López-Bellido, L., Muñoz-Romero, V., Benítez-Vega, J., Fernández-García, P., Redondo, R., López-Bellido, R.J. 2012.  …

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Coordinador: J.L. Gabriel

Secretario: I. Carrasco


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